Monday, February 4, 2008

Wasee Tuzuie Noma

Wakenya maze tume-witness unprecedented mayhem and violence in this country in the recent past. It is needless to start saying how 'communities have been living together ...', how 'peace must come with justice', how 'goons have been dressed in GSU uniforms', whether or not police are able and the viability of introducing the military etc. All the above probably have some truth and merit.

What has hardly been mentioned is the manipulation that's happening to all of us ... mpaka sometimes I think some of those jamaaz (read you and me) don't anymore know the the extent of lies or truth that they are treating us to. I'm fighting for education. Education by (difficult as this may be) impartial and well meaning people. There are hundreds of e-mails, blogs, websites and news sites (include all TV and radio reports) in general that are being generated ... all purportedly with the latest gossip. Let's teach people to learn to discern the truth from non-truths. Coming at this time, I'm aware that some of these ideas appear rather utopic. Let's have guys who can stand up, a forum we can be referring to, standing the test of scrutiny, impartiality, unselfishness ... etc. These guys can be our watchmen, blowing whistles and letting us know when the rest of us are being hoodwinked.

It is time to put in the open and to embarrass, the war mongers, the hate-speakers, the tribal chauvinists... and save our beloved country. As we try to straighten ourself out, we don't have to hate. We don't have to be violent. Let's disarm the holders of these negative tendencies with love.

God bless us all. God bless Kenya.

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